Wednesday, 30 March 2011

April Programme


  • Meet at 5.55 for a 6pm start at the venue indicated 
  • The 1st Monday of the Month is always at the Cowherds 
  • Any queries call Sue Wilton on 077027 41462 
4th Cowherd Hill Session

11th Feather our and Back (leader needed as I am away for work)

18th Station Bitterne for Board Walk Run or for me crawl as the day after London Marathon - volunteer to lead would be appreciated

25th Meet at Cowherds for Speed Session or run for those who don't fancy speed


  • Meet at Solent Uni 6.45 for a 7pm Start 
  • Contact Val Davil on 07502009225  

6th Out toward Weston over Itchen Bridge run for 25 minutes turn come back to Solent

13th Portswood Run or speed at the track


  • 1st RR10 at Victoria Country Park - NB 7pm start 
  • Social run from Solent University

27th Reckie of our RR10 meet at Dearleap at 6.45pm
Social/training runs - please  email the Google Group to say time place and distance you're running so that people can meet and join in.